That Was The Week That Was

This week I somehow connected country music to the history of violence against women preachers, talked with author Angela Denker about faith, football, and politics in the Age of Trump, and probed my emotional response to my favorite baseball team winning a division title. (By the way, if you’ve been enjoying the new season of our 252 sports podcast, you’ll want to follow us on Twitter.) Elsewhere:

• My political science colleagues still aren’t convinced that Donald Trump will actually be removed from office, but this week’s impeachment news sure has his favorite cable channel rattled.

Turn of the 20th century image of a Methodist circuit rider – Wikimedia

• The headline in this Christianity Today story has to do with growing evangelical support for racial justice… but what really got attention was this implausible survey result: “Strong majorities of both evangelicals by belief (85%) and self-identified evangelicals (87%) agreed they ‘will only support a candidate who demonstrates personal integrity.'”

• The past isn’t really past, #42,039: the return of the “circuit rider.”

• I may have once written some fan fiction for a TV show or two… but I can’t say I ever thought that it had anything to do with biblical apocrypha.

• Why do we share links? It might be more about emotion than knowledge. (Sure not this post, of course.)

• Whether you hate or love personality tests like Myers-Briggs or Enneagram, you can blame or credit the First World War.

• Our college is in the middle of considering a new general education curriculum… which makes this argument for integrative learning rather timely.

• Before the culture wars get too heated on college campuses, Adam Laats asked if we couldn’t all “agree to give students maximum ability to experiment with different ideas and identities, instead of punishing them for advocating ideas that are near and dear to them?”

• Finally, here’s the remixed footage of Soviet soldiers dancing that you never knew you needed to spend hours watching.