Have You Subscribed to The Pietist Schoolman Newsletter Yet?

Did you know that I’ve been publishing a Pietist Schoolman newsletter through Substack?

Since early July, subscribers have been receiving at least four issues per week, including a Saturday links wrap and Sunday devotional reflection. During the week, I’ve written about topics like
early college,” the “spiritual but not religious,” patriotism, COVID, and Holocaust commemoration. I’ve also shared advice for new college students and paid tributes to Ron Sider and Frederick Buechner. Coming up are posts about Christian higher ed, European travel, and a tragic anniversary.

In short, the kind of blogging I used to do here and at The Anxious Bench has mostly moved to Substack, and I expect to keep things that way. While I’ll continue to use this blog from time to time to share updates or pieces with too narrow a focus for wider consumption, you’re going to want to subscribe to the newsletter in order to read most of my writing for the coming year.