A Report from the 10th Assembly of the WCC (Christian Collins Winn)

Didn’t know that this blog had a foreign correspondent, did you? Yes, today we’re happy to share an update on what’s been happening at the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, courtesy of our “man in Busan,” my colleague Christian Collins Winn. As always, I’ll disclaim that opinions of guest-posters are their own, … More A Report from the 10th Assembly of the WCC (Christian Collins Winn)

Pietism and Civil Discourse (Christian Collins Winn)

I’m very pleased to welcome this guest post from my colleague Christian Collins Winn: the text of his address yesterday morning in Bethel University‘s year-opening chapel service, in which he appealed to Bethel’s roots in Pietism to help us start a year-long conversation about what church historian Martin Marty has called “convicted civility.” Christian is … More Pietism and Civil Discourse (Christian Collins Winn)